Arizona Candidates and Causes
Arizona voting has historically skewed conservative, and the state legislature has been dominated by conservative legislators for decades. But times are changing, and the reality "on the ground" is a very different picture. The electorate, particularly in the large urban areas where 80% of the state's population resides, is increasingly progressive. Arizona went to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, securing its character as a "purple" state and an important battleground in future elections.
The most important work for progressives in Arizona is to get progressive candidates into local government—governor, state legislature, secretary of state, school boards, county attorneys, judges. Other than governor, many of these elected positions don't get a lot of attention, but they are critically important.
Below are links to key candidates and causes in Arizona. Please commit your 1% every month to helping some or all of these.
Arizona Candidates
Christine Marsh
Laura Terech